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Dragonball RP

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    Saiyan King
    Saiyan King

    Posts : 75
    Join date : 2011-08-20

    Transformations Empty Transformations

    Post by Aurek Sun Aug 21, 2011 5:02 pm



    Transformations Oozaru

    Required PL: Saiyans gain instant access to this transformation

    Must have Saiyan Tail to use this form. Upon a full moon, a Saiyan morphs into a giant ape with glowing red eyes and an unstoppable rage. There is a full moon on each planet in the RP with a moon whenever the moon is 95% full or more (as displayed on the website). The user has no control over their actions unless trained and may only perform physical attacks and the technique mouth blast.

    Giji Super Saiyan

    Transformations Screenshotsdbzmovie4_636

    Required PL: 8,500,000

    False Super Saiyan transformation occurs when a Saiyan has the required physical power but lacks the required mental strife to transform into a Super Saiyan. It is apparent, however, that the form gives a large power increase. The form of False Super Saiyan was shown to be very erratic, lasting for only as long as the aura is ignited, and using up much more energy to sustain than the full Super Saiyan.

    Super Saiyan

    Transformations 250px-GokuSuperSaiyanVsCooler

    Required PL: 15,000,000

    It is an advanced transformation assumed by extraordinarily powerful members of the Saiyan race. The first Super Saiyan transformation occurs when a Saiyan who has reached a very high level of power, has a calm, pure heart (good or evil), and loses himself in a fit of rage. However, the transformation must be triggered in response to a great need.

    Full Power Super Saiyan

    Transformations 250px-GokuAndGohanHTCnv

    Full Power Super Saiyan is the mastery of the Super Saiyan form. It is a state of mental and physical perfection of the core Super Saiyan state itself.

    Super Saiyan 2

    Transformations 250px-GohanSuperSaiyanIINV

    Required PL: 30,000,000

    This is the direct successor to the first Super Saiyan transformation. It is very similar to the original form in appearance and attainment, however the power output is far greater, as speed, strength, and energy output all drastically increase. In order to achieve this transformation, the Saiyan must first gain a huge amount of energy (usually by training), far beyond that required for the first Super Saiyan form. Once enough energy is acquired, the Saiyan must experience a powerful emotional upheaval, much like the Super Saiyan transformation, but to a greater extent. Because of the intense emotion required to initiate the transformation, any mastery of the Full-Power Super Saiyan state, and mental stability attained therein, is negated, and the naturally remorseless nature of the Saiyan race is magnified, requiring them to remaster the personality changes.

    Mystic Saiyan

    Transformations Mystic_gohan_powers_up__dbkai_by_2d75-d39y1xe

    Required PL:60,000,000 for saiyans for all other races 40,000,000

    Can only be given this power by the Kai's this ritual was passed down by old kai. In this form you are to access all Saiyan powers without having to transform physically and use a lot of energy.

    Super Saiyan 3

    Transformations 300px-GokuSuperSaiyanIIINV

    Required PL:60,000,000

    It is the third form of Super Saiyan, the successor to the first and second transformations. Where the third stage of Super Saiyan's purpose was 100% utilization of physical stamina, the purpose of the Super Saiyan 3 transformation is to increase the utilization of ki, and as a result, the transformation rapidly consumes the energy of the user, which leads to extended levels of fatigue, even long after powering down. If the user has died and is not encumbered by a living body, this strain is reduced somewhat, and additional energy depletion is minimized.

    Super Saiyan 4

    Transformations 221px-GokuSuperSaiyanIVvsNuovaShenron

    Required PL:90,000,000

    It can only be attained by pureblooded saiyans.The only way a Saiyan can attain Super Saiyan 4 is if he is already a Super Saiyan, can transform into a Golden Great Ape and regain conscious control over the form. This transformation is the ultimate combination of both the humanoid Super Saiyan and the Great Ape. After this form is attained once, it can be accessed at any point. Unlike the Super Saiyan 3's strain due to the utilization in ki, this form does not require as much energy consumption as Super Saiyan 3's, allowing the user to stay in the state at a much longer duration. It is the strongest of all saiyan forms.


    Higher consciousness

    Transformations Screenshotsdbzmovie4_667

    Your consciousness reaches that of the banished elders of old. You power increases as well as your size. However, with so much power, most Nameks who reach this level of consciousness are susceptible to corruption and have misused it in the past.

    Super Namek

    Transformations 180px-PiccoloAndroidsSaga

    Nameks who have surpassed the great elders and managed to unlock their abilities and achieve seemingly insurmountable power. Super Nameks are not fundamentally different type of Namek, they are simply very powerful Nameks.

    Dragons Disciples

    Transformations Nameka

    This is the final stage of Namek. The namek has reached a state of nirvana and is in full Synchronization with his ancestors and Porunga grants him the power the ancients. Long Forgotten by history the first dragonall creators left their knowledge within the great dragon porunga.


    Unlocked Potential

    Transformations 041

    Your Hidden Power is unlocked and your power surpasses that of a normal human. It can only be attained from the Grand Elder on New Namek.

    Maximum Power

    Transformations MasterRoshiSB

    You are able to Tap into your own power whenever you need it. Your body bulks up and your speed and strength.

    Super Human

    Transformations Superhuman

    You have reached the peak of human ability. You can even keep up with some of the stronger races in the universe.


    Android 2.0

    Transformations Hell_fighter_17

    Your Creator has given you an upgrade and your power increases dramatically. Your powerful enough to rival the super saiyans of legend.

    Super Android

    Transformations 76818-superandroid13_super

    You appearance drastically changes as well as your power and size. You also have the advantage of having virtually unlimited energy and stamina, as well as being generally undetectable as a result of not being an organic life form. The only way to obtain this form is to take in parts from other androids.

    Perfect Life form

    Transformations Super17

    You are an unstoppable killing machine. You speed,strength, and knowledge are unbelievably increased. The only way to obtain this form is to fuse with another android with the same powerlevel or force another android into your body essentially taking all their power.


    Mighty Majin

    Transformations Majinb

    Your evil side (or good side) takes over and you turn in a majin on a killing spree. Only way to access this form is to expel the good (or evil) majin within you.

    Ultimate Majin

    Transformations 250px-MajinBuuSuperNV.

    This form is the end result of your evil side(or good side/mighty majin). This new Majin Buu has a tremendous increase in power and has an increased mental capacity. The only way to achieve this form is to eat the good majin that you expelled.

    Pure Majin

    Transformations 150px-KidBuuEvil01

    You are pure evil(or good). This is your most dangerous form and also your most destructive. If evil you have no trace of sanity and there for no restraints. The only way to obtain this form is to expell your good(or evil) side causing a chain reaction to occur. Though this form comes with a price. You stay in this form. The only way to go back to the others is to absorb you evil(or good) side and start the process all over.


    Transformation 1

    Transformations Frieza100Million

    Both in height and muscle mass are increased and grow in size, which can be clearly seen on his chest and stomach areas.Your power level doubles in this state.

    Transformation 2

    Transformations 589px-FriezaThirdFormNV

    In this form you take on a more brutish look with an elongated skull. Your voice turns much deeper and alien like. Again your powerlevel increases far surpassing your base and first form.

    Transformation 3

    Transformations Frieza5

    Drastically differing from his previous transformations, in his final form you instead regress, with your former form cracking and shattering like a shell, becoming a short, lizard-like. All injuries taken in other forms are healed. In this form Most are able to to access their full potential.

    100% Power

    Transformations 180px-Frieza100MaximumPower

    This form is similar to transformation 3. Except your strength,speed,power, an body increase. But you can't stay in this form for long your body can't handle the energy output.

    Transformation 5

    Transformations 20090828001433%21Cooler03

    For the few who even attain this transformation they have ruled galaxies become legends and even tryants. It is the ultimate power within a changeling. You increases dramatically in size, speed, and strength; four horns grow to form a crown atop his head as spikes form on his forearms, and he now sports a face-mask of sorts, hiding all facial features except his eyes, which are now red without pupils.


    Tuffle Experiment

    Transformations 280px-Hatchiyack1

    You are an experiment of the tuffle race and Your power and intelligence are the greatest in the galaxy. You are the ultimate weapon.


    Devil's Minion

    Transformations 250px-DaburaMaximumPower

    Your are a powerful minion from hell. Even the kai's fear your power in this form.

    Devil Incarnate

    Transformations Devilrp

    You power and rage greatly increase as well as your evil soul. Some say you are the devil himself. Only way to achieve this form is to feed off of people fear.

    Hell's King

    Transformations Devil13

    Some call you the devil but most call you king. You are feared by all. Only way to achieve this form is to return to the demon realm and make the ritual with the Makaioshin and become one of the gods of kings in the demon realm.

    Here at DB:L we employ as much free creativity as possible. Note that All Races are capable of using Kaioken and Mystic. Also that you don't have to like exactly like transformations I posted. You are free to look however you want on each transformation. Though you will have that power level for each transformation. Example: You may want to look like the 5th transformation for the 1st if your a changeling. Thats completely acceptable but you will have the power level of the first transformation. If you have any questions regarding transformations please PM me.

    ~King Aurek

      Current date/time is Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:37 am